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As of 5th June 2024 The Face Place Britomart clinic is now permanently closed. We have opened a new custom built clinic at Level 2, 152 Quay Street.

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As of 5th June 2024 The Face Place Britomart clinic is now permanently closed. We have opened a new custom built clinic at Level 2, 152 Quay Street.

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Highlights From Aesthetics AU 2023

The Aesthetics AU 2023 conference brought together experts from around the world to dive further into the ever-evolving field of aesthetic treatments. The programs offered were conducted by experts in the industry, with the aim to deliver interesting topics and insights revolving around the latest trends, techniques and innovative new ideas on how to improve safety and efficacy for both clinicians and patients. A selection of our medical team headed to Syndey to attend the 3-day event and they each reported back on their key learnings and highlights.

Our fabulous nurses at Aesthetics AU (from left) – Queza, Marjorie, Eve and Beck.

MARJORIE – ADVANCED COSMEDICINE NURSE & TRAINER: What stood out the most for me was the masterclass for “Ultrasound in Facial Aesthetics”. It was a 4.5-hour workshop, which wasn’t only groundbreaking, but also thought-provoking. Facial ultrasound imaging has now become an increasingly popular topic in the medical aesthetics field. Ultrasound can accurately target the dermal plane where the filler should be injected, it can measure dermal thickness, and it can also allow clinicians to evaluate previously placed fillers, nodules and the composition of the depth and spread of the product. But the most crucial part for me is its ability to visualize facial anatomical layers and vascularity. I believe that one of the greatest fears in aesthetic medicine is vascular obstruction. The use of ultrasound-guided treatment, will significantly increase the safety and efficacy of the procedures and avoid the chances of having the much-feared complication. The impact of learning the capacity of ultrasound-guided treatment in the aesthetics field is it will elevate how we practice safely and accurately. It will help me as a clinician and a trainer at The Face Place to have a lasting impact on my overall confidence that will allow me to take care of my clients even better based on their needs/desires. I am excited to integrate this newfound knowledge into my practice, embrace this progressive innovation in a positive light and learn how to best utilise it to achieve the best aesthetic outcome!

REBEKAH – COSMEDICINE NURSE: One of my key learnings during this conference was the profound influence of cultural diversity on our beauty ideals and the way we age. At the heart of it, different cultures have unique beauty standards. For example, in Asian cultures, the desire for an oval facial shape leads to a greater emphasis on midface treatments. Meanwhile, Western cultures lean toward lateral treatments to maintain a youthful appearance. Understanding these cultural variations is vital for cosmetic injectors as it enables us to provide treatments that respect patients’ cultural perspectives on beauty. Moreover, Aesthetics 2023 highlighted how these cultural differences also extend to the aging process. Various ethnic backgrounds may exhibit distinct aging patterns at different rates. This emphasises the need to customize treatment plans to match the unique aging characteristics of each patient.

QUEZAMEDICAL TEAM LEADER: There was a session on Hyaluronidase, a medicine that we use in Cosmedicine to dissolve filler when certain adverse reactions occur, or in more recent times, when there are poor aesthetic outcomes.  Thanks to social media, there is a boom of hyper-filling lips or cheeks, then dissolving. This gave rise to a triad of problems arising after having a Hyalase treatment. Anecdotal accounts of hyalase melting faces, causing dry eyes or blurry vision, and burning sensation on the skin, among other complaints on social media. Gillian Murray presented findings from a study done to explore and review the effects of Hyaluronidase on different tissues within the body and commented on potential mechanisms of any observed tissue changes. The photo below gives us a snapshot of their findings and is a very good educational tool to use for clients or clinicians with concerns regarding the use of hyaluronidase. My takeaways from her presentation are:
– To be careful when a patient asks for filler to be dissolved. We do not have to treat the patient if they are not under our care.
– To always base our skill and ability to manage the patient aftercare when taking them on.
– Have a referral pathway to be able to support patients better.

And lastly, review and revise the consent form to include hyaluronidase potential risks and side effects. We do have a thorough consultation process before treating clients in clinic. However, there is always room for improvement, and we should cover a bit more education around filler dissolution, especially with the rise in ephemeral beauty trends.

Photo credits to Gilliam Murray of GMA Aesthetics Education.

EVE – SENIOR COSMEDICINE NURSE: Aesthetics 23 was an enriching event with amazing speakers and so much learning. We had many live demonstrations showing different approaches and techniques from a variety of highly experienced injecting doctors.
My highlight was the distinct face assessments and approaches of dermal fillers for different ethnicities and how there is a tendency for each to have similar tissue loss and face changes as they age which forms a pattern. Of course, when analysing each face we still need to look at it holistically and consider many other factors such as lifestyle and individualities.
It was also great to get updated on the latest dosing and treatment of neuromodulators for shoulders. It involves treating the top portion of the trapezius muscle with Botox aiming to reduce pain that is commonly caused by tension or continuous weight lifting. Some people also love to use this treatment aesthetically to reduce the size of the muscle improving shoulder contour, also known as ‘Barbie Botox’.


BOOK NOW with Eve, Queza, Marjorie or Beck.

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