BotoxⓇ for Men
Botox is a growing trend for men – by around 10% every year globally!
Since opening our doors over 20 years ago, we have seen an increasing number of male clients to receive subtle treatments to soften the frown line, or ‘grumpy lines’, the horizontal worry or stress lines on the forehead, and the ‘crow’s feet’ around the eyes. These days men adopt a more open and pragmatic attitude toward procedures and have become more aware of the treatments available to them. We see younger men who are keen to start early and manage the ageing process, through to older gentlemen looking to soften existing lines and wrinkles, and all ages in between. The number one thing we hear from male clients is they want to look ‘less stressed, tired and grumpy’.
The art of treating men
Men and women have very different facial structures, so it’s crucial to choose a clinician who understands the difference in the male anatomy; identifying the bigger muscles (facially, as well as on the body) and stronger bone structure is key. It is important that men still retain some ‘ruggedness’ to the face, while reducing the impact of features that make them look tired, angry, or stressed.
BotoxⓇ is a very simple and effective treatment. Cosmetically we use BotoxⓇ treatments to relax the muscles in the face that create lines and wrinkles and to prevent further deepening of lines. It is a short 10-minute procedure, with a few tiny injections directly into the relevant muscles. There is an art to BotoxⓇ treatments and in order to achieve the best, most natural-looking results it must be placed in the right muscle, in the correct place, at an ideal dose, by an experienced clinician.
What's the first step?
We are a best-practice clinic and consistently deliver optimal results by placing paramount importance on education and informed consent.
Other popular treatments for men
Other uses of Botox:
We are a doctor-led clinic subject to NZ Medical Council rules. These rules do not permit any ‘advertising’ of off-label uses of BotoxⓇ. This means any areas other than frown lines, forehead, crow’s feet and hyperhidrosis.
There may be other common BotoxⓇ treatments you have heard of but cannot see mentioned on our website.
We can fully explain any of these advanced techniques when you come and see us in clinic.
Dermal filler: our male patients use dermal filler for improving hollow tear troughs, balancing the size of lips and strengthening the appearance of the jaw/chin area.
P-Shot: to improve sexual stamina, increase hardness, sensitivity and size of the penis.
PRP: to improve skin tone and texture and also to address hair loss by stimulating hair follicles on the scalp.
Medical-grade skincare: to improve the condition of the skin, reduce fine lines and even out the skin complexion.
IPL: to reduce pigmentation and dark age spots caused by sun exposure.
Mandatories (important medical information)