Chin And Jawline Filler
Dermal filler is an effective treatment to sculp the chin and jaw area, adding definition and a stronger profile.
The chin plays an important role in how a face is perceived (think of a ‘weak chin’, vs a ‘strong chin’ and the impact on your perception), and is an important part of ‘sexual dimorphism’ – the difference between the sexes.
Typically, men have a chin that is more square, long and wide ( a strong, masculine chin), while an ideal ‘feminine’ chin is smaller, rounder and more tapered, with a gently triangular appearance from the front, rather than square.
Projection of the chin from the side profile is also to be considered with both sexes.
Your face proportions are ultimately governed by two factors; genetics and age. Genetics help define your underlying bone structure and this is the way your face has naturally formed. It may include a short chin, a recessive chin or both. As you age, you experience bone reabsorption, loss of supporting fat pads, and hyperactivity of the chin muscle which can all cause the chin to flatten, shorten and sag.
The loss of volume in the chin area with age can also contribute to sagging of the jawline and the skin of the neck.
Treating the chin with dermal filler can be an effective way to correct proportions by projecting, lengthening and lifting, strengthening, building and blending the lower face and chin area.
Our clinicians understand the balance, harmony and proportions of the face and their focus is ensuring natural-looking results that still make you look like you – just refreshed!
Where do I start?
During the consultation, your clinician will assess your face, discuss your requirements and devise a tailored treatment plan which will include pricing and dosage. We will then take some ‘before’ photos and if you wish to proceed with treatment, we will make an appointment for you at a later date.
How is an injectable chin enhancement performed?
Treatment takes up to 60 minutes, as we are focused on achieving a beautiful, natural looking result. Your clinician will apply numbing cream first in order to help with any discomfort. We will take ‘after’ photos and then schedule a follow-up appointment to check in on the results.
What are the risks associated with an injectable chin enhancement?
We only use HA (Hyaluronic Acid) fillers which are made from a naturally occurring sugar molecule found in the human body – only in a stabilised form.
Mandatories (important medical information)
All dermal fillers are Class III medical devices for creating definition and volume to the area treated. Medical devices and treatments carry risks and benefits. Individual results will vary. Speak to one of our qualified Cosmedicine Nurses or Doctors to see what might be right for you and to explain the possible side effects.