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As of 5th June 2024 The Face Place Britomart clinic is now permanently closed. We have opened a new custom built clinic at Level 2, 152 Quay Street.

For all the details click here.

As of 5th June 2024 The Face Place Britomart clinic is now permanently closed. We have opened a new custom built clinic at Level 2, 152 Quay Street.

For all the details click here.

Dr Cat’s March Update

It’s been just over a month since my last chemo and I continue to lose hair in handfuls – I honestly thought it would be done shedding by now! Researching it more, I probably have another month of hair loss ahead of me. 🤷‍♀️

So it was great to be used as a training model for our wonderful new Dr Jess, injecting my scalp, scars and under eyes with a regenerative treatment we have used for years (and are no longer allowed to name due to therapeutic advertising guidelines 🤷‍♀️😹). Marj did a wonderful job of training, and Marilou also popped in to say hi 👋😻

 Dr Jess is on the anaesthetic training program and so is well versed in the use of needles, using them for much more complicated procedures than what we do with cosmetic injecting. She has almost finished her comprehensive training and onboarding and should be available to book soon! Not only is she highly accomplished as an injector, she is also a delightful human and a fabulous addition to our team 🥰

Our team had a wonderful time exploring some new treatments at our recent team training day. At a recent Allergan workshop in Brisbane, attended by Marjorie, Marilou, Eve and myself, we explored using more concentrated Botox in higher doses to increase the longevity of the result. In the past we have avoided higher doses due to the risk of the spread of Botox into adjacent muscles, which could then cause a higher risk of side effects, but by using a more concentrated version, we can avoid this and still have higher dosing. This obviously comes at a higher price point as we charge per unit, but could be helpful in situations where we want the Botox treatment to last a little longer eg if you are going overseas for an extended period of time. It is just another tool in the toolbox which allows us to personalise and tailor treatments to you as a unique individual. We trialled the concentrated Botox on multiple team members during team training day, as well as exploring some new filler techniques for chins, temples, jawlines and lips. There may be a few of our team sporting small bruises this week, but feel free to ask the team what they have received in terms of treatments and how they have found them!

If only we had a treatment that helps with bulging discs and sciatica! I’ve had about a month of back pain and almost 3 weeks of spasm of the muscles around the glutes, with pain radiating down into the leg. I tried for an MRI but they wouldn’t scan me because I have a magnet in my expander boob reconstruction, so had a CT SPECT scan 10 days ago which has revealed a couple of bulgy discs. I was thrilled to find out that I had no metastases (always a consideration with a cancer history) and no osteoporosis! The pain is slowly improving with anti-inflammatories, fish oils, heat, osteopath care and some magic supplements from our wonderful naturopath Erin! Check out our info on the incredible benefits of fish oils in this newsletter.

A pain syndrome that can be treated with Botox is trigeminal neuralgia (TGN), and I’ve done training with our senior medical team today on this topic. TGN is a devastating chronic facial pain condition with sufferers experiencing intense facial pain either constantly or in bouts, often associated with electric shock sensations, numbness and muscle spasms. I’ve been treating this condition since around 2007 and it still sometimes moves me to tears hearing what people have gone through, and I truly is an honour that we can often help!

Despite recovering from chemo, and suffering with sciatica, I’ve been receiving lots of compliments about my ‘glow’ and how good I’m looking 😹,I credit this to continued trialing of our combo treatment of IV Vitamin C infusions which are paired with Healite LED and a lovely neck and shoulder massage. You can read more about the benefits of IV Vitamin C here

My wonderful friend Alison Brewer took some photos of me for her 100 day photo challenge, and I’m thrilled with what she captured! You can check out her photo challenge on IG @alisonbrewer_snaps (and have a peek at more of my photos 😹). Alison is also an incredible makeup artist, which is her main career – she did a quick ‘glow up’ of my makeup before the shoot, so you can check out her work in my photos or on IG @alisonbrewer_makeup 🥰 Alison may be a great option for your next headshots or big event!

I have booked and paid for my medical health retreat, Sanoviv, and will be there from 27 April to 18 May, to ensure I am permanently cancer free! It sounds like I’ll have days jammed full with treatments, but I’m really looking forward to it, and to flying to Mexico on 31 March to go see my mama before going into the retreat.

The team are continuing to do an incredible job of ensuring the business runs smoothly. Thank you so much, as always, for your support in being one of our valued patients.

Love and hugs,

Dr Cat 😻

All medical devices and treatments carry risks and benefits. Individual results will vary. Speak to one of our qualified Cosmedicine Doctor’s or Nurse’s to see what might be right for you and to explain the possible side effects.
The Face Place.

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