Dry Skin
True dry skin lacks the ability to hydrate itself effectively and lacks the all-essential lipids and proteins. Often there can be medical skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and/or dermatitis also observed within the skin, or there can be a history of these skin conditions stemming back from childhood.
Irritation, soreness, plaque-y patches and/or scaly skin for example tend to be signs of having a dry skin and a dry skin condition that is not due to seasonal, environmental, temporary skin dehydration (although seasonal change and external factors do play a big role in exacerbating and causing flare-ups of these skin conditions).
Our Medical Skin Therapists will make a thorough assessment of your skin and formulate a treatment plan to suit your individual needs.
Where do I start?
Your skin journey with us begins with an Initial Skin Consultationbefore proceeding with any treatment. This ensures you are fully educated and informed before proceeding with treatment. We are a best-practice clinic and consistently deliver optimal results by placing paramount importance on education and informed consent.
What causes dry skin?
What treatments are available to treat dry skin?
- Medical Grade Skin Care: A tailored home based skin plan is the foundation needed to balance the skin, reducing the build up of dead skin cells and loss of water from the skin to make smoother and more hydrated.
- Dermal Fillers: HA is responsible for hydration and plumpness in the skin. As we age, we naturally lose HA, and injectable HA replacement can be used to improve dry, crepey or sun-damaged skin on the face, hands, neck and chest.
- Microdermaplaning: to remove the dead layer of skin cells so moisturisers and treatment products can be more effective.
- Natural Peels: our natural peels remove the dead layer of skin cells, improving oil flow and hydration to give a healthy glow to the skin.
- Healite Therapy: stimulates your skin’s natural repair, improving collagen production and giving the skin more energy at a cellular level.
- Vampire Facial Plus: Super booster for skin texture combines regenerating PRP with hydrating HA, administered through our dermal needling pen to maximise skin hydration and repair.
- Exion: RF energy heats the deeper layers of your skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin. The microneedles create microchannels, allowing for better absorption of skincare products and enhancing the effects of the treatment. As well as this, the AI technology customizes the treatment to your skin’s specific needs, ensuring optimal results every time.
- Homecare: Treatments can only go so far but are best supported with a home skincare routine that supports and continues to care for the skin inbetween treatments. Our Medical Skin Therapists can analyse your skin and provide you with the products that best suit your needs.