Improving Sex
Many factors contribute to pleasurable sex and to our overall sexual wellness/intimate wellness. For women, childbirth and menopause can have a significant impact on sexual enjoyment, by impacting sensation, lubrication, and ability to orgasm. Libido is often reduced, and some will experience pain with intercourse. For men, the ability to achieve and maintain an erection can impact their experience during intercourse.
What treatments can help me to enjoy sex more?
Both the O-Shot and ThermiVa can help improve sensation, lubrication and the ability to orgasm. We can often help with dysparenuria (painful sex), and research shows that we can effectively treat lichen sclerosis. ThermiVa also assists with vaginal tightening and improving any discomfort of your intimate areas by tightening the skin of the labia (lips).
Research shows a 65% success rate with just one O-Shot treatment, which increases to 85-90% satisfaction with a second treatment. Results last indefinitely, but you may want to ‘top-up’ your treatment on an annual or biannual basis.
These treatments can also assist with urinary incontinence.
Where do I start?
You must have a consultation with one of our medical team prior to proceeding with any treatment. Here, our clinician will discuss your concerns, outline the treatment details and a treatment plan.
For women – you must have had a normal PAP smear in the last 12 months. You are an ideal candidate for these treatments if you have mild-moderate symptoms and are otherwise fit and well.
How much experience do your clinicians have with sexual rejuvenation treatments?
Dr Cat and our nursing team are not gynaecologists or urologists, so for more significant issues, we recommend you notify your specialist and that we work alongside them to get you the best possible results. We recognise that female desire and sexual function is multifactorial, so we can refer you to a qualified sex therapist or urogynaecologist if we believe they will be helpful for you.
I'm self conscious about what I look like 'down there' - can you help?
Every woman’s vulval area looks different – they are as individual as faces! As we age, we often lose volume through the labia, in the same way as we lose volume in the cheeks.
Is there an age limit for women who want the O-Shot or ThermiVa?
Menopause can have a significant effect on both desire and function, so we find many women seek treatment around this time of their life. Sex should be enjoyable at any age!
I've had breast cancer, can I have treatment?
Both the O-Shot and ThermiVa can help thicken, repair and rejuvenate these tissues to make sex more enjoyable.
Mandatories (important medical information)
All medical devices and treatments carry risks and benefits. Individual results will vary. Speak to one of our qualified Cosmedicine Doctor’s or Nurse’s to see what might be right for you and to explain the possible side effects.