The P-Shot® (also known as the Priapus-Shot®) offers a treatment to improve the hardness and sensitivity of the penis, and many will experience an increase in size, both when flaccid and erect.
The P-Shot is designed to deliver lasting improvements in sexual performance to men, using the same proprietary techniques used in the O-Shot. We will often have couples who come for both the O-Shot and P-Shot together, so they can both enjoy the benefits of improved sex.
What's the first step?
You must have an Initial Vampire P-Shot Consultation before proceeding with your first treatment. If this treatment is appropriate for you, you may proceed with treatment on the day.
The consultation ensures you are fully educated and informed before proceeding with treatment. We are a best-practice clinic and consistently deliver optimal results by placing paramount importance on education and informed consent.
Is the P-Shot right for me?
The P-Shot can be used for men with Erectile Dysfunction, and is also used by men with normal function who would like to improve their sexual performance.
What will the P-Shot do for you?
Although each man’s experience varies, most men report these benefits following the procedure and post-treatment protocol:
- Increases firmness of erection
- Increases blood flow and circulation
- Improved sexual capabilities
- Increase sexual stamina
- Increases sensation and pleasure
- Enhanced appearance
How long do P-Shot results last?
Results can last indefinitely, but some people may require further top-ups.
How long does the P-Shot treatment take?
What are the side effects of the P-Shot?
There are usually very few side effects. The most common side effects include temporary sensation changes, swelling and/or bruising. No specific aftercare is recommended after treatment, other than waiting for the numbing cream to wear off before recommencing sexual activity.
What does the P-Shot cost?
Please visit our Pricing page for all treatment costs.