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As of 5th June 2024 The Face Place Britomart clinic is now permanently closed. We have opened a new custom built clinic at Level 2, 152 Quay Street.

For all the details click here.

As of 5th June 2024 The Face Place Britomart clinic is now permanently closed. We have opened a new custom built clinic at Level 2, 152 Quay Street.

For all the details click here.

The Power of Vitamin A

Attending industry conferences is always an exciting opportunity to refresh our knowledge and stay ahead of the game. Recently I had the pleasure of listening to Dr Ernst Eiselen at an industry event and while much of the content echoed what I have already learned from working with such a knowledgeable team, it was a great reminder of why I am so passionate about skincare-especially when it comes to one superhero ingredient Vitamin A. 

Why is Vitamin A , a skincare superstar? 

Vitamin A isn’t just popular- it’s the most researched ingredient on the skincare market today and for good reason everyone’s skin needs vitamin A. It’s essential for normalising the skins functions, which means it’s beneficial for all skin types and conditions. 

Here’s some of the reasons I find it so amazing: 

* Vitamin A thickens and stimulates the dermis: this means it boosts collagen production, helping to slow down the normal aging process. 

* Minimises aging skin : Skin with high levels of Vitamin A show fewer signs of aging. 

* Supports skin repair: Vitamin A not only reduces wrinkles but also enhances the skins UV protection and aids in the repair of the epidermis. 

One key thing I took away was how Vitamin A can play a role in preventing precancerous lesions. Living in New Zealand, where the sun is notoriously harsh, this was particularly relevant. Of course, nothing replaces the basics when it comes to sun protection ie  reapplying SPF every 2 hours, staying out of the sun in the harsher times of the day, but any extra boost in keeping our skin healthy is beneficial. 

This got me thinking about how often we focus on the skin on our face but forget about the rest of our body. Just like the skin on our face the skin on our body needs daily application of certain nutrients to protect and repair and the one I love is the ENVIRON BODY KIT. It’s packed with all the essential nutrients , with daily use over time it makes a noticeable difference in the appearance and health of the skin on our bodies.      

Another little tip I picked up was after 3 months of vitamin A use nightly, the outer layer of your skin ( the stratum corneum) thickens and becomes more compact. While this is fantastic for skin health, it can also make it harder for other active ingredients to penetrate. To get the most out of your skincare routine Dr Eiselen recommended introducing homerolling to help with product penetration. 

Dr Eiselen’s talk truely reinforced my love for vitamin A. Whether it’s fighting aging , aiding in dehydration , evening out skin tone or supporting skin health, Vitamin A delivers results. 

So here’s my takeaway – if you’re not using vitamin A already, come into clinic and talk to one of our medical skin therapists and your skin will thank you for it. 

Sheridyn Jaques, Medical Skin Therpaist

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