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As of 5th June 2024 The Face Place Britomart clinic is now permanently closed. We have opened a new custom built clinic at Level 2, 152 Quay Street.

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Treena & Melissa – Fabulous at 50!

From our receptionist extraordinaire Treena…

When it came to turning 50, it didn’t really bother me that much – it was just like any other birthday. I didn’t meet my husband till my late 30s and was blessed with a daughter at age 42, so right now I am at a very happy place in my life and feel really good. Hence I never stressed about the number 50 – I just wanted a low-key but fun celebration with my husband, daughter, close friends and family with plenty of Champagne and nibbles.

My Skin Journey
Being a very fair-skinned redhead, I’ve had quite a journey with my skin.

In my teens and 20s, I was not comfortable being pale – and neither was anyone else. People always commented about how white I was. I did my OE in the US and got my first Northern Hemisphere tan, and when I came home I wanted to replicate that the only way I could. Enter sunbeds. Believe me when I say these have done irreparable damage to my skin, and I have had many skin cancers (basal cell carcinomas) cut out. I feel like the map of scars on my body follows the lines of the sunbed!

I met Cat back in my early 30s when I was working at a pharmacy and had a colleague who raved about this brand new thing – Botox! I was intrigued and became a client, then part of the team.

Treena with Cat at her surprise wedding in 2010.

From working in pharmacy, I’d been using what I thought were good skincare products. It wasn’t till TFP expanded to include skin that I got on true active skincare that I began to see real changes in my skin.

Since then I have made peace with being pale. I am devoted to my skincare routine and my vitamins A, B and C, along with loads of sunscreen. When it comes to skin treatments, I’ve done them all – IPL, needling, vitamin A peels and Healite. 

I don’t think I necessarily look younger than 50 but I would say I feel very ‘well-preserved’! Of course, I also like a sprinkling of the other type of ‘vitamin B’ – aka Botox!

Treena celebrating her 50th with daughter Emmeline at the Viaduct.
Watching the America’s Cup Race with Emmeline.

My Tips For Feeling ‘Fab at 50’

  • I don’t feel 50 because I have a little person around me and I really enjoy being a mum. Of course I can’t have the busy social life that I had back in my 30s – but that’s probably for the best and youth-preserving in itself!
  • On that topic, when it comes to alcohol, I definitely drink less than I did when I was younger. But if I’m going to drink Champagne, it’s going to be Veuve! Lower quantity, higher quality is my motto now. 
  • I’m not a big gym person but I’m always walking and keeping my steps up. I live in a beautiful neighbourhood by the water so I am lucky enough to have some great walking routes that always inspire me.
  • From my days working with a naturopath at the pharmacy, I’ve always been into my supplements. I take fish oil, zinc, vitamin C and lately I’ve also added collagen powder. I do try to eat well but this makes sure all the bases are covered.
  • Having a hobby you’ve loved a long time can be a real source of pleasure. For me it’s motor racing, from the V8 supercars to Western Springs Speedway. It’s something my family has always been into, and I still enjoy it as much today as I did when I was a kid. That’s my soul food. I wouldn’t say it makes me feel younger; it just makes me feel really good. Another thing that I classify as a much-loved hobby is shoes. Having a fabulous pair of new high heels can make you feel amazing at any age!

Treena, Medical Receptionist

From our digital specialist Melissa…

No matter how much we’re used to the numbers ticking over every single birthday, turning 50 can come as something of a shock. For me, the disconnect comes from what I’ve always associated with that age versus how I feel today. I grew up watching The Golden Girls – those lovable ancient biddies (to my teenage mind, anyway!). Blanche & Co were in their very early 50s – but they seem decades apart from Jennifer Lopez or Salma Hayek today! The ‘old bartender’ in Cocktail was 40 and past-it Shirley Valentine was 42! I’m definitely showing my age by these movie references but you get the idea. 

So while the number might freak me out a bit, I’m happy with the way I feel and look (mostly) and am definitely doing better health- and fitness-wise than I have been at many other times in my life. The Face Place has been a great influence! 

Before I moved into marketing, I was a beauty editor for almost 20 years (that’s how I met Dr Cat). I loved the job and was lucky enough to sample mountains of beauty products. They were all fun and fabulous, but with a lot of marketing hype. That was fine when it came to hair, makeup or fragrance, but it wasn’t ideal for my skincare. It meant I never had a systematic routine and I changed up products constantly. As soon as one ran out, I needed to trial the next one. It kept me consistent with sunscreen, but that’s about it.

Now I’ve been with TFP for 18+ months and using the same vitamin A, B and C daily like everyone else on the team. It’s a bit like a cult here – but in a good way! I’ve also had some IPL treatment to get rid of the inevitable pigmentation that crops up over time. Next up, I’m signing on for a course of dermal needling, which is ideal as collagen starts to deplete in your skin due to age. While I’m not averse to the occasional injectable treatment, I think skincare is really the key to looking healthy, natural and glowing. That’s the aim, anyway!

Like Lauren, Melissa (3rd from right) celebrated her big birthday on Waiheke.
On a family biking holiday over Easter
Always take photos during ‘golden hour’!

We’ve banned the term ‘anti-ageing’ at TFP because we’re all about looking and feeling the best we can. Age is irrelevant and not something we focus on trying to ‘fight’.

I’m certainly no expert but here are a few of my tips for thriving in your 50s and beyond:

Stay open
For me, one of the most important ways to stay energised and engaged is to always keep learning and trying new things, whether that’s at work or in your personal life. Being set in your ways, instead of being curious about new things or new technology (yes, even TikTok) – to me, that is a surefire way of feeling old before your time. 

Ignore excuses
It can be easy to think, “I’m too old to do XYZ because by the time I’ve made progress I’ll be ancient at 55, 65, etc.” Well, you’re going to be that age anyway (if you’re lucky), so you may as well just plow ahead regardless!

Do kid stuff
Having a child definitely adds grey hairs, but kids also give you an opportunity to explore new things and feel ‘young at heart’. Being active and going on family adventures like bike trips, skiing/snowboarding, waterparks and ziplining has been so enjoyable and energising for me. 

Embrace nature
It’s always a mood-booster, even if you have to drag your kids to get them out there. Being near trees has proven health benefits, whether it’s ‘forest bathing’ or just a walk in your local park. Same with swimming – negative ions from the ocean boost your serotonin. This is why you never regret a swim! I am not quite up for the wintertime ‘wild swimming’ that seems to be the latest craze overseas but you never know…

Sustain friendships
Getting together and laughing with your girlfriends is also a tonic (although sadly alcohol becomes less and less well-tolerated as you age!) Old friends especially will make you feel young because you all still think of each other as if you were 16.

Melissa in Queenstown (modelling our TFP ‘travelling ski pants’
as loaned by our receptionist Rachel!)

Melissa, PR & Digital Specialist

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